The Pause Workshop is offered to those interested to "learn" to listen and accompany others through their natural ability to pause. The workshop lasts for 3-4 hours and is carried out with groups of 10-50 people. No prior experience or knowledge is required for participation. The workshop is experiential and highly interactive. A number of different exercises have been created to meet the needs of different groups and to attend to issues of time, diversity and culture. The Pause workshop can be easily integrated in the Social development strategies of organizations and communities to support sustainable development efforts and peace building.
Principles and Goals
The workshop learning goals and exercises are built to facilitate: 1) Learning together 2) Distinguishing between Pausing and not-Pausing 3) Checking with the Body 4) Promoting Natural and Attentive Listening.
The delivery of the Pause workshop lies on the principle that there are no experts, and each of one of us has access to this natural process. Facilitators are not there to teach people something new about the Pause. They are there to enable the group to experience it freshly and glimpse its potential to connect us with the essence of true listening, accompanying and connection.